
Thursday, January 2, 2025

Conspiracy Theories

I offered to pick up Don's car from the mechanic where it has spent the last three following being run into by a deer. Last time I plan to ever set foot in that business! Unfortunately, they are still waiting on a part before they can finish the repair, so no names will be mentioned. 

It is a long-time family-owned repair shop. Been in business so long, the former owner fixed Don's first car in the 1970s. He was thrilled they are on our insurance company's list of preferred repair shops.

The conspiracy theories! My head was spinning faster than Joe Biden's was during his presidential debate against T. There was no chance to add logic to this man's beliefs. I had to nod and listen while his admin complained she didn't know I was coming, so she didn't have the final bill written up.

This went on about 45 minutes before she finally decided since the car wasn't 100% finished, I could just leave the deposit and she would work on the bill while waiting for the part. 

1) He can't wait until Kennedy is in office and disbands the FDA. 

2) Autism didn't exist until the 1970s when children had to get vaccinated to go to school. Vaccines have aluminum in them that is harmful. (The term autism was coined in 1799.)

3) Amish people don't have autism because they don't get vaccinated. (Snopes disbunks this.)

4) The only people who got polio were the ones who got the polio vaccine. (Why would they have created a vaccine unless the disease existed?)

It went on and on and on. 

5) A village in Iraq with mud huts that was destroyed during a bombing and everyone was given $10,000 to replace their homes out of our tax dollars. 

6) Our food has chemicals in them that harm us. All cancers can be traced back to when the food was modified. I'm sure even the cancers that existed before the food was modified.

There are kernels of truth in what he spews, but also so much misinformation. I tried to say maybe the $10,000 was for loss of life and not homes, and he said our soldiers died in the attack, too. And?

He just wanted to talk.

In about two weeks the loons will be in power. The reasonable people have to regroup, fight from the sidelines, and push hard to flip congress in 2026. It will be a long two years in the meantime.

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