
Friday, January 10, 2025


While walking around museums in Australia, I noticed a trigger warning sign. I thought I took a picture of one, but I am not seeing it in my notes. To paraphrase it said: Warning to Aboriginal People: This Exhibit Contains Images of Dead People.

The sign made me stop and think.

A trigger warning that a museum exhibit might contain images of people who have died. Further research shows it is common to have the trigger warning on television shows, with the addendum that their voices might be also be included.

I thought about other triggers. Fireworks for those suffering from PTSD. Sexual abuse, mental illness, self-harm, and suicide warnings appear before movies and television shows.  

The more I think about trigger warnings, the more I realize everything could be triggering.

Especially when I was first diagnosed with diabetes, seeing images of decadent desserts put me in a mental tailspin. 

These days, it is not desserts but the former/future president. It was bad before the election, but in the days following hearing his name or voice, or seeing his image is enough to instantly sour my mood.

The worst came a few days later while relaxing at a friends' house. I felt I had spent days complaining about the election results and how upset I was for the future of our nation when a friend of theirs walked in wearing a T 2024 hat. I did everything I could do to not leave the room and politely shake his hand when being introduced, but a smile was too much. As soon as I could, I went in the other room and packed up. If I could have called a cab and slept at the airport, I probably would have.

The friends tried to apologize when they saw how hurt we were. "That's not really how he believes," but the damage was done. The friendship soured.

All because of a hat.

Do I need to walk around with a trigger warning attached to me for the next four years? Could those happy about his victory (at least until they are hurt) recognize half the country disagrees and be kind? Probably not since kindness is not a trait their leader espouses.

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