
Sunday, July 7, 2024


I love fireworks.

I know fireworks are getting a bad rap these days for being environmentally unfriendly, triggering PTSD in retired military, and bothering many dogs, but I (unapologetically) LOVE FIREWORKS!

My favorite fireworks trip was in the mid-1990s when Don and I took the elevator to the observation room at the top of the World Trade Center in New York City. There we felt miles above the Macy's Fireworks. After the main event, we stayed to watch others light their seemingly tiny firework displays. A pre-internet memory, or at least before I started to blog.

I remember having to make mad dashes away from fireworks when our daughter was little. The perfectly calm toddler would scream like a banshee as soon as the first BOOM sounded. There were trips to Disney the only place safe to watch the fireworks was from our hotel room's balcony safely across the street (with the daughter hiding in the room as my eyes twinkled).

Those days are in the past. Now she goes to firework shows with me and I can see her staring at the light shows.

This year July 4th (Independence Day) landed on a Thursday. Traditionally the Fourth is the most expensive day for towns to hold fireworks shows, so they opt for other days, with Lawrence and Ewing (our closest neighbor) opting for the same day. This year, though, towns around here spread out the fun.

Friday, June 28

Hometown fireworks at Rider University. After parking at St. Lawrence Rehab (about a mile away), we saw hula hooping Angela and met up with Nancy, Nate, and Megan to watch them from the far lawn.  They lasted about 20 minutes, but were non-stop. Nancy commented they seemed to be electronically powered since they didn't have the pauses we remember from previous years.

Our group

Saturday, June 29

We could see a thunderstorm off in the distance, but optimistically traveled to the hill outside Woolsey Park in Hopewell anyway. I went to the park earlier in the day to see Kim and Jim with their souped up VW bug at the classic car show. Though we arrived 30 minutes early for the 9:30 show, someone kindly told us they shot the fireworks off at 8:30 and we just missed them. They couldn't see the first half of the show because this time of year it is still light at at 8:30 pm, even with an impending storm. We left.

Monday, July 1

With Yoran in town from Belgium, I was able to convince him and Ashley to join me for the Hamilton fireworks. Don is as not as much a fan as I am, plus he was tired from working at REI, so he stayed home. I knew they were happening in Veterans Park, but I wasn't sure exactly where in the park it was happening. It is a BIG park. Of course we parked on the wrong side, along with hundreds of other people, and had a mile and a half walk through the park to the right side. Even if I had fully appreciated how far away the fireworks were, it was still easier parking where we did. Ashley and Yoran were good sports, and fast walkers, so we made it to the other side in about 30 minutes. 

I had just enough time to say hello to hula hooping Angela (in the light up wings) and settle on our blanket before we heard the first whoosh of a rocket. The show lasted half an hour and were deemed one of the best town wide fireworks shows we have ever seen (with Princeton's reunion weekend fireworks topping these). Each firework filled the sky and seemed more magical than the one before it. I was happy to be sharing the experience with the 22- and 21-year olds. No complaints on the long walk back, even as I took a wrong turn thinking I knew a shortcut. The walk was filled with happy voices, and tired kids being carried by their parents. 

Tuesday, July 3

Ewing. As I said in the start, Ewing's fireworks were traditionally held on the same night as in our town. Though Ewing is only a few miles away, I'd feel like a traitor if I went to another town the night we had fireworks. After seeing this year's spectacular I might have to change my vote. Ewing's were better than the ones in Lawrence. It might be because we sat closer to the launch, or because they are just better. They seemed to have more shapes, and they definitely had more sounds. These fireworks sizzled! Before the fireworks Ashley, Yoran, and I did something I have enviously seen other families do -- we played a game together. In our case it was QWIRKLE. The show was only 20 minutes long. We got spoiled two days earlier in Hamilton.

Friday, July 5

Friday Stacey invited us over to Cranbury Cottage for a backyard picnic. The fireworks are set off directly behind Stacey's house. Nine years ago when she moved into the house she had an amazing view. She also had shorter trees in the backyard. It was still a great view because we only had to walk across the street to see them. No need to get to the park early to get a good vantage point. 

I had fun taking pictures of the fireworks. The iPhones are pretty impressive. I love the 2 second slow shutter speed. I've never mastered taking firework pictures with my DSLM. The phone makes it easy.

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