
Saturday, June 11, 2022

Random Thoughts

I'm toying with setting a new goal for the second half of the year: blogging about something random that happened that week. It would be much more feelings based than photo-based.

Some recent topics I have thought about writing a blogpost on, but then time passes and the details of the feelings pass with them:

1) Our cleaning lady fired us.

Last last year I was tired of cleaning up after Don and Yoran in the rare moments when they both left the house. Cleaning with them in the house means tripping over them. Yes, I could put my foot down and insist they do more cleaning (especially cleaning the bathrooms they use), but I've come to accept their levels of cleanliness are not the same as mine -- case in point, Yoran has only changed his sheets once in the 10 months he has lived with us (and that was near the half-way point), and his towels collect in his closet until I tell him the rest of us are running out of towels.

So, we hired a friend who has a cleaning business. This meant Don trusted her, and once a month she came over and provided social interaction for him. Once a month he put his laundry away so she didn't see the pile, and weekly he cleaned the upstairs toilet so she didn't see it getting dirty. He also emptied the trash.

What happened? One week she insisted we did not hang a sparkly bow that had been hanging on our front door on the banister because it would drop glitter and be a mess to clean. I liked the bow and hung it there anyway (after shaking it and noting no sparkles came off). Don took the bow off and HID it from me. I was too furious to yell at him, so I texted her (remember, this relationship began as a friendship). At first she thought I was joking, then realized I wasn't. She took me out for tea to talk about it. She told me stories about her marriage and seemed to sympathize. She pointed out it wasn't about the bow, she doesn't really care (umm..I beg to differ, she had a hissy fit over the bow in the first place -- which I felt was overstepping her boundaries). When we parted she asked if I still wanted her to come clean. I said "of course." A week later she wrote and said she wouldn't come back because she has never been in the middle of a couple's fight and felt uncomfortable being in our house. 

So, no more cleaning lady. She did say we were still friends, but we didn't do much together before this so I don't see that increasing now. I finally told Don she wasn't coming back (as I was scrubbing the house before company came over). He is sorry, but I think he is sorry about her not coming back and her feelings being hurt and not because my feelings are still hurt. Meanwhile, still no bow (he actually hid it on me), nor a replacement bow. He is interested in having a new cleaning lady, but not enough to do the research of pay for one.

Hmm... I guess I had more than I thought on that topic.

2) Virtual Mommy and Me classes seem like a huge waste of time.

This thought came to me while I was hanging out with Laura and Nancy (moms I met through Mommy and Me classes nearly two decades ago). A friend of Laura's was there because her dryer died and Laura invited her over to do laundry. The friend has a kindergartener and a younger one. During the conversation she raved about the online Mommy and Me class because her kid still had some socialization without having to drive him anywhere. She did a similar class pre-pandemic when her daughter was the same age, so she had something to compare it to. 

After she left I looked at Laura and Nancy and lamented we would not have met without those Mommy and Me classes. I treasure their friendship which has lasted longer than the friendships of our children.

3) I've got a secret.

I'm not going to divulge the secrets, only say I'm tired of keeping track of who knows what and who is allowed to know what. The topics span both work and family.

4) I feel like I know more people with COVID now than I have at any other time in the pandemic -- many are vaccinated, boosted, and even double boosted. Yet, I continue to lead my life as if there is no pandemic. Yes, I should be wearing a mask in public, but I don't unless required.

Let's see what happens. In two weeks our exchange student will be leaving. I'm looking forward to turning his room into my new office. I'm hoping to paint the builder's grade white walls periwinkle blue. Don has decided he likes my old office better. Since he is still working from home, it seems only fair he gets first choice. I can't wait to have a space to call my own again.

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