
Friday, October 18, 2013

Great Flooring Project

One of my resolutions for the year was to do some home renovation. This past February I painted the upstairs bathroom and gave it a face lift. I then set my sights on the family room.

Last month we started a weekend project that is still not quite finished. We replaced the floors in the kitchen and family room.



End (or as close to it as we are right now):

 Obviously the kitchen is a bit more done than the family room. The new floor is "floating" atop the old floor. With a new floor, came the wish for a new color on the walls. Nothing else changed, but it feels like a new space. 
(top without flash, bottom with, it changes the look of the colors)

Also obviously, the family room is not yet finished. The new fake-hardwood floor is much softer than advertised. We will probably have to resort to making friends take off their high heeled shoes before entering the room. Fortunately, most of our friends don't dress up like that. We quickly realized the need for a rug so some of the furniture can be placed back in the room without scuffing the floor. I just don't know what I want in a carpet! It might also cut down on the echoes we now hear in the room.

The renovation also encouraged us to part with the blinds and a swag of dried flowers, both of which were nearing 20 years. Thus, leaving some empty spaces.

The bottom half of the family room is a shade darker than the kitchen. Ashley chose the color for the kitchen. Don chose the lower half for the family room. I chose the upper half of the family room's color. A group effort. We kept the border in the family room and painted over the stencil I did in the kitchen.

The dress-up area has moved to the basement. This frees up the corner currently being occupied by the ladder. 

As always with a house, there is something to be done. Hopefully this weekend I'll touch up the area I missed between the electrical wires:

And the spot Kitty Lucy painted with her tail:

It is just never-ending. Yet, somehow that doesn't bother me.

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