Last month we started a weekend project that is still not quite finished. We replaced the floors in the kitchen and family room.
End (or as close to it as we are right now):
Obviously the kitchen is a bit more done than the family room. The new floor is "floating" atop the old floor. With a new floor, came the wish for a new color on the walls. Nothing else changed, but it feels like a new space.
(top without flash, bottom with, it changes the look of the colors)
The renovation also encouraged us to part with the blinds and a swag of dried flowers, both of which were nearing 20 years. Thus, leaving some empty spaces.
The bottom half of the family room is a shade darker than the kitchen. Ashley chose the color for the kitchen. Don chose the lower half for the family room. I chose the upper half of the family room's color. A group effort. We kept the border in the family room and painted over the stencil I did in the kitchen.
The dress-up area has moved to the basement. This frees up the corner currently being occupied by the ladder.
As always with a house, there is something to be done. Hopefully this weekend I'll touch up the area I missed between the electrical wires:
And the spot Kitty Lucy painted with her tail:
It is just never-ending. Yet, somehow that doesn't bother me.
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