
Friday, June 14, 2024

Welcome Back Thunder

It still strikes me as odd to go to baseball's opening day in June, but here we are again in Trenton as we once again host the Draft League. I'm grateful that after the Yankees moved their AA team to the Somerset Patriots that we still have baseball, but I miss the longer season, sipping hot chocolate at a sparsely attended game filled with people who go to watch baseball instead of going for the junk food and entertainment.

I love it when Rookie and Dash take to the field to bring the bats in, but I also love a good double play or home run hit. 

It also doesn't feel like opening day when I've already been to two games: one in Buffalo and a Mothers' Day game in Allentown, PA.

I still love going to games at Waterfront (I mean Arm & Hammer, I mean Trenton Thunder Ball) Park. Built about 30 years ago, the stadium was designed to feel like an old-fashioned ballpark. After climbing a lot of stairs (or taking the elevator) you enter the concourse before descending ever closer to the field to take your seat. My favorite sections are 105 and 106, behind the first base (home team) dugout. When Thunder was still affiliated with the Yankees I got to know some of the season ticket holders. I also got to know some of the staff. Even though thy play in the city of Trenton, I always feel safe walking back to my car. I grin and bear it as I drive past Cadwalder Park, but have never had a real reason to be nervous.

Now that they only play a short 80 game season (with half of them at home) with players that rotate on and off even faster than they did when they were a AA team, the attachment is to Boomer and the bat dogs. Serious ball fans still see some magic happening on the field. Each year they seem to have fewer season ticket holders. Even I dropped my ten-game pass.

Opening Day was packed. With the shorter season, and starting so close to the end of the school year, more groups are packed into each game. The first game had three parades before the game, Stuart Country Day School singing the national anthem, another group singing "Take Me Out to the Ball Park" during the seventh inning stretch, multiple birthday parties, and other large groups. A rally towel was given to the first 1,030 fans (I was too late), and coupons for WAWA coffee given out as we exited. There is a lot happening.

I went alone, which is my preference. I just want to watch a game, not have conversations. The first inning saw Thunder bring ten batters to the plate -- yes everyone went at least once. There were many walks and not a lot of strike outs. The opposing pitcher just graduated from high school a couple of weeks earlier in Texas and was heading back home to college before the end of the season. This is just a great place for them to play more ball.

Even with a 5-0 lead, the other team managed to tie things up. It was a little dicey in the bottom of the 9th inning, but the home time scratched out a season opening win. This level is more about player development and less about wins and losses, but the fans still like a win. Well, maybe not those who left after the seventh inning stretch because the game was stretching into its fourth hour. That's a lot of baseball, even for me.


Tommy the bat boy is back!


Boomer almost caught a ball way up there!


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