
Saturday, June 8, 2024

2024 Spring Lake 5-Miler

This Winter Don and I finished decorating the space we consider to be my office. My nest. My retreat. My hiding space. What should be my writing space, but hasn't turned into that. 

As I rearranged the medals and reminisced about each race experience my hand held the 2015 Spring Lake medal a little longer than the others. It was late January. I knew the traditional date for signing up for the Memorial Day Weekend race was coming up on Super Bowl Sunday. I also knew my foot had been hurting for far too many months.

Could I do it? Should I do it? Our traditional family Memorial Day Weekend party was on hold because Ashley would be traveling. As I held that medal not knowing how many more weeks it would be before I could run I decided to make it my stretch goal. The goal I told the doctor and the physical therapist as I healed. They both said it would be fine if (yes, if) i planned to run/walk it and not go all out. A week later I shelled out the $65 registration fee.

It ended up taking until mid-April before I was cleared the run. The race was a scant six weeks later.

On the Saturday of Memorial Day Weekend I woke up at 5:30 am, and drove an hour to Spring Lake, NJ. Don and I did a test drive earlier in the week when we picked up my sheer white t-shirt (why, or why do they insist on sheer white t-shirts?), and my pint glass (which I use for water). For some reason they had a shipping case filled with 2023 merch they were selling at basement bargain rates, so I scooped up a cap for $1, a sapphire blue shirt for $5, and a pair of bright blue tech socks for $5 to help support the cause.

Nine years ago when I ran the race Don came with me and parked the car. This time, thanks to his new job working at REI, I was solo. I wasn't as adventuresome with parking and ended up much further away than I had hoped. On the drive there I heard Rick Steves's weekly segment on NPR talking about going to Croatia, so I considered that a win for waking up so early.

I made it to the start line with 12,999 of my new friends. My biggest complaint about the race is that while organizers tell us to line up according to the time we think we will finish, they give us no guidelines to do so. Asking around I thought I found my people. What I learned as the race started was that there were numerous groups of people walking the race, stretching out from one side of the street to the other. I am thrilled they are getting out there. I am happy they are raising money for a cause, or simply enjoying friendship. I knew I would be run/walking, but I didn't need to add that I would be playing offense for at least the first mile.

I also came across two people strolling and talking on their cell phones. Really? Move out of the way!

As my longest training run/walk had only been for 2.5 miles, I was pleased I could run/walk the first half of the race. I power walked the last half (at a much faster pace than those talking on the phone or walking six abreast).

I know I'm coming across grouchy, I'll add in a few compliments. 

They seemed to have more bands performing along the route. One group said they came from about 30 minutes away. I assume others were paid to encourage us.

The race is very friendly for all levels of runners -- the fastest finished in 23 minutes, 45 seconds. The slowest two hours and three minutes. I was in the middle at just shy of one hour seven minutes -- I was aiming for a 13 minute pace given my foot issues, so I was pleased with myself.

They had water at every mile mark. The volunteers were friendly and encouraging. Scratch that ... EVERYONE was friendly and encouraging. I shared my encouragement reminding a man hobbling worse than I was that we were here because we wanted to be. He appreciated the reminder. I hope he enjoyed the rest of his day.

As I hobbled to my car, I talked to people who have done the race nearly every year. They didn't know why there was so much swag left over from last year. They ran the race. 2020 and 2021 were cancelled. 2023 had a couple of hundred less runners, but not enough to justify the leftovers.

The weather was stunning ... 50s at the start, warming up to the 60s. Slight breeze, but not windy. A beautiful day to be outside.

We want to return to see the progress
they made on this house. It is being raised.

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