
Sunday, January 30, 2022

Swim Meet Surprise

I try not to share much about our daughter or our exchange student because they are both old enough to generate their own digital footprint without my help. That, and this blog is about how I feel and not a diary of the family.

That said, I want to share a joy.

Our exchange student, nicknamed Bob, is on our high school swim team. Trouble is, since he already graduated from high school he is not allowed to compete. He has a sweet disposition. Early in the season he kept score. As teammates were injured, they took over keeping score. He is happy sitting poolside cheering for his friends and teammates.

Then, one day a couple of weeks ago I went to the home game and heard "Serbest in Lane 6." I was pleasantly surprised to be able to watch him compete. See, though he understands he can't compete, he still enjoys it.

The coach surprised him by letting him compete, even knowing they had to forfeit any points he earned. He swam in the 200 IM, the 400 relay, and one other event. I'm still learning what all of this means. IM has to do with swimming each lap with a different stroke.

He was thrilled.

I must say, it is more fun watching the meets when you know someone competing. Usually I play "I spy," as in looking for where he is standing to cheer.

The week before at a meet I did not get to, they honored him on Senior Night even though he is technically a Junior.

After a meet I spoke with his coach. Hillary said he is always helpful -- doing everything needed, and polite and kind. I beamed a little even though he is not my child. His parents raised him well and he is living the lessons they taught him. I'm just here to help him navigate life in the United States.

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