Nearly a week into the New Year and I'm still struggling with good resolutions/goals. I looked at last year's list, the one that stands out is my second goal:
Visit a
new (to me) city. Other years I've said I wanted to go to a new (to me)
country, but international travel is far from glamorous these days, so
I'll amend that to any new city,with Charleston and New Orleans
currently in the lead.
Wow! A year ago I had no idea life would take me to Israel to live on a kibbutz and participate in an archaeological dig. Going on a dig has been a goal since I was in my 20s, but never a realistic enough one I thought would really happen.
Most of my other goals did not happen. I still have not explored low-carb recipes, or make a friendship as solid as the one I had with Carin (though I have strengthened friendships and reconnected with people, none are at that daily, confident stage). Instead of having races in the 4-10 mile range, I've cut back down to 3.1 miles. A series of scraped knees had me fall out of the habit.
I would like to kick diabetes in the ass and be able to eat whatever I want, whenever I want, without guilt (which might lead to having to lose weight after I pack on some pounds from carefree eating). Last week I had a setback with that goal when a blood test revealed I have a gluten intolerance (which I don't feel) and must avoid gluten at all costs, especially cross-contamination and possibly lotions. This means my dreams of international travel without having to worry about what I am eating have vanished. It stinks when dreams die.
Mind you, I have been controlling diabetes with diet and exercise (and no medicine) for nearly five years, I just want to be able to eat carbohydrates again and stop feeling like I am depriving myself.
Meanwhile struggling with where Ashley will go to college next year. Her top choice is too expensive (very little aid offered) and the other school she applied to has since been deemed too close to home (even though they offered a generous merit-based scholarship). A goal is to find her a new dream school. But I can't do it without her.
A work goal would be to raise $1.2 million to renovate the house on the property and use it for classrooms. Anyone reading this who wants to donate, reach out. Naming opportunities are available. Another work goal is learning Publisher.
Probably a realistic goal is to become a notary. I am fortunate there is a notary at the school, but what if she is out? It would be helpful to have a back up notary. The county has monthly swearing ins for only $15. Like I said, realistic as well as quantifiable.
So, now what? Continue floating through life in a low-carb haze? Just see where life takes me?
What are your goals/resolutions?
PS: I really thought I set the goal of running ten 5ks a month. Does it count if I add it in December?