
Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Chocolate Seder

To prepare for Passover, Temple Micah held a Chocolate Seder as part of their weekly Hebrew School. It was opened up to the community. A few people have asked me about it, so rather than repeating myself, I created this blog post.

Chocolate Seders have been around for at least ten years. If you go to Pinterest, you can find lots of examples. Here is an article explaining one such Seder.

Temple Micah's Seder used premade foods. The packages were free for students, and $10 each for the rest of us. We picked them up in advance and were sent a Zoom link so we could participate. Since time was limited, we were encouraged to set up our plate in advance by following the instructions in the Haggadah. 

For those of you familiar with a traditional Seder, I'll explain the chocolate version.

Kadesh: Blessed are you Adonai, who has given us the sweet taste of chocolate. (Blessing of chocolate milk)

Drink some chocolate milk (instead of wine).

Urchatz: wash your hands, but since this is a virtual event and we don't want to lose a lot of time, shake them in the air.

Karpas: Blessed are you Adonai, who created delicious green ring pops and chocolate syrup (now dip your delicious green ring pop in sugar free chocolate syrup).

Yachatz: hide the Afikomen (a chocolate covered cookie).

See the green straw in my tea? There is a green frog on it representing the plagues. "Frogs jumping everywhere!"

Then we sang "Maggid: Pharoh, Pharoh!" Even this Presbyterian could follow along.

In a tradition Seder there are four types of children, in a Chocolate Seder, there are four type of ... you guessed it! Chocolate, each with their own personality traits: Milk Chocolate, White Chocolate, Bitter Chocolate, and Chocolate with Nuts.

The ten plagues all have to relate to the downsides of chocolate: cavities, weight gain, zits, stomach aches, etc.

Singing of "Dayenu: what have we had enough of?" "If we had one bar of chocolate, or a piece of watermelon, or vegetable, we would feel good Dyeinu! Dy, Dyeinu..."

Drink the second cup of chocolate milk.

Rachtza: ...who commanded us regarding the washing of our sticky fingers.

Motzi Matzah: ...creator of cookies centered around chocolate.

Maror: (my favorite part) ... creator of bittersweet chocolate.

Korech: ...creator of Oreo cookies and cookies dipped in chocolate.

Time for the matzah ball soup (chocolate pudding with a chocolate ball).

Time to find the Afikoman (virtually, in a game similar to Where's Waldo).

Third cup of chocolate milk.

Fill the fourth cup and the cup for Elijah. "Drink milk with chocolate so you will not be thirsty, as you were before I took you out of the land of Egypt."

"Next year may we be TOGETHER!"

It was fun. While it stinks that this was the second year in a row we couldn't gather around a friend's table, in the past year we have improved technology so we can almost feel as if we are together.

A belated Happy Passover to all you who are reading this.

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