
Saturday, August 10, 2019

Takeaways from Israeli Dig Experience

Now for my final post, at least until I add pictures and decide more posts are needed to fully tell the story of my adventures.

I'm often asked "what did I find?" My biggest find was stone stairs on my last day digging. With having (as Liz put it) "physical restraints" I could not lift the big pick ax or tureen, so I was sweeping floors and not finding items.

At the house I processed other people's finds.

My biggest takeaway (which I have alluded to in other posts) was how I felt. I often thought of the Bridge Kids who come to The Bridge Academy emotionally bruised by never feeling good enough -- if only they learned like the rest of the class, or like their siblings. They come to Bridge not able to trust adults. At Bridge they are filled with love and the tools to succeed.

That's what my time at the dig was like. In the field I felt I was never good enough -- never strong enough, never fast enough. Everyone else got it (I couldn't even hold my own with conversation topics) but me.

When I switched to being at the house I was filled with love and the tools to succeed. I won't say I was perfect in everything I did, but when I was wrong I was gently corrected and put on the right course. When they could see I needed a break, they made sure I took it. There were people who did not speak English, yet we found common ground through smiles and Google translate to communicate. I began to believe in myself again.

Another odd takeaway was how transient we were in general. I felt like it was a revolving door. People signed up for only two weeks (Julie and I were told that was not an option). People left early. Experts would pop in for a lecture then leave as quietly as they came. Others came towards the end (per their contract) and stayed until their work was done. Our bone expert said she has worked on many digs and has never seen anything like it.

Finally, I listen to music at work and think of the house staff. Each day we'd ask for music suggestions. Mostly fell into American music from the 50s-90s, but also Arabic pop and (most odd) Italian Techno Pop from the 80s. At work I stick to the Bs -- Beatles and Bill Joel.

Signing off for now. 

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