While typing an email to a friend I realized the text could easily by transformed into a blog post to reach more friends at once, well at least the 10 of you who actually read the Pillsbury Press.

Time has been flying too quickly. May is always crazy in our house as it is our wedding anniversary (22 years) and Ashley's birthday (13 years) and end of the school year stuff (7 more days until summer vacation). Oh, and Ashley was confirmed on the 10th (Mother's Day) and preached two weeks later at a different church. Some days it feels quite non-stop. That's my excuse for not writing back sooner and I'm sticking with it!

Time has been flying too quickly. May is always crazy in our house as it is our wedding anniversary (22 years) and Ashley's birthday (13 years) and end of the school year stuff (7 more days until summer vacation). Oh, and Ashley was confirmed on the 10th (Mother's Day) and preached two weeks later at a different church. Some days it feels quite non-stop. That's my excuse for not writing back sooner and I'm sticking with it!
The reality is I've been in a funk since getting the diagnosis. I've been very fixated on changing my diet and dealing with feelings of guilt. Yesterday I went back to the endocrinologist for the first time since the initial blood work and got great results, and some answers (never enough). Despite eating 6 times a day, though, I'm still hungry and still losing weight. Yeah, I know on some level that does not sound fair.
As activities are coming to an end for the school year, new ones are replacing them. Ashley has taken to riding her art teacher's horse (go figure). Ashley has started volunteering at a local animal shelter socializing feral kittens so they can be adopted. One was adopted off of my lap last weekend. He was sweet. The countdown to Europe is 28 days away. She raised about $2,500 for the trip through art and odd jobs (like cutting Don's hair). She also recently sang a solo a capella in the school talent show -- a huge accomplishment for her to get over her fear of singing in public and to be viewed as a good singer.
I keep busy with freelance, but I'm trying to catch up to date with scrapbooking so the dining room table could return to being a dining room table. The Little Free Library saw a surge in activity during the neighborhood yard sale (we participated in it by putting large useless items on the edge of our driveway with the word FREE on them). Our curbside compost program just started today! Only 150 people have signed up in town, but they are hoping it really it grows quickly. I've ran a couple of races this month: one in Pennsylvania and one in NJ. I'm having a lot of fun with my new bike, Catie.
Don is still with Comcast (no surprise). He is making great strides with unicycling and can now go down the street on it, but can't turn around to come back.
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