
Saturday, September 28, 2024

Grounds for Sculpture

Two years ago I bought a membership to the Grounds for Sculpture in Hamilton, NJ. The gardens are a true treasure. My membership allowed me to bring a Plus 1. Sometimes the extra person is Don or Ashley. I've brought Sylvie, Sylvia, Alicia, and others. I enjoy going with friends who are encountering the sculptures for the first time. Friends have a way of taking me on paths I don't usually take, which in turn shows me new sculptures, or at least see sculptures in a new way. 

Sometimes they've been there before and they show me what they love, which makes me love them anew.

Alas, the membership is coming to an end this week. I could renew and get an extra month added in, or I could pass and renew when I feel like returning. I've decided to take a break. Maybe I'll renew on a snowy day in February, or as the buds are appearing in April. I recognize my visits have been spaced further apart.

Last week I took one last lap through the grounds. I brought my Panasonic DMC-G85 and tried to capture what my eyes were seeing. In some cases, I brought out my iPhone14.

I know it was not very crowded, yet somehow taking out my camera to try to play with the lighting acted as a magnet and brought crowds to where I was standing, or rather directly in front of me. I'm sure my frustration on that midday visit helped me solidify my desire to not renew.

Then, just as I was thinking I was surprised I did not see anyone I knew, I bumped into Tom and Diane from church all dressed up to dine at Rats.

Some of my favorite pictures from the day.

With the iPhone -- always a favorite

With the iPhone. I struggled with my camera
to get the colors right.

From the parking lot

I still think she is too pale, but I like being at
eye level with "her"

I wanted to try this a few more times,
but a man insisted on reading the sign visible
in the left-hand side of this mirror

I spy a statue

It's alive!

Some foliage already appearing in mid-September

This was hard to get to appear in a picture
because it was in the shade

A selfie with my big camera

I spent much time in a back corner
trying to get both the statue and the pink sign
across the street in focus, and in color. I could not
replicate it no matter how hard I tried. 

Just a favorite statue

I first saw this statue in 2015 at Art All Night

Struggled to get the color right

Again, much playing with settings to get the colors right

We always peek behind the fence to see
what they are working on

Close-ups are fun

If I was with a friend, I'd frame their face here

I could not get the camera to capture
the lighting the way I wanted it to, see
iPhone picture above

I want to be able to catch this with the
sunlight glistening on the glass

This statue of a couple embracing
has been here so long they appear
to be sinking! I think they missed their train.

Flowers in focus. Statue in soft focus.
Just like I wanted.

Dinner time?

Look at that pretty sky!

See above's iPhone version. 
Could not capture the blue sky, as well as the
other colors.

Thanks, Seward!

A quick picture before someone stepped
in front of me with a slow moving stroller

The flowers are also important

From the viewpoint of the cat

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