I found out the Wine and Dine switched from a really cool nighttime race, to a daytime race. With that came a sharp decline in the number of people interested in running the event. Not only were bibs still available in September, they were still selling bibs the day before the event at the expo.
Another selling point for me was that in-between the race in September and the race in November I already planned to run the Perfect 10 Miler and the Trenton 10k, so at least I wouldn't have to run any long distance runs without water stops. Don and I ended up running 8.8 miles in honor of Honey Bunny's 88 years.
There were a couple of other thoughts. We had nothing planned that weekend. I thought about signing up for a couple of races for that weekend, but I hadn't. My parents were free to taxi Ashley. We had no plans on the calendar -- a rare weekend. And perhaps the most compelling reason of all, we could spend time with Don's former mentor's widow Linda and her family. In 2016 Don drove down to say good-bye to Linda's husband Andy as he was dying from cancer. This gave us an "excuse" to see her -- not that we should need an excuse.
Plus the medal is gorgeous!
We briefly looked into flying down and renting a car, but decided to drive down after work, go to the expo, run the race, and drive home.
Don worked up the stats after we came home:
Driving 35 hours (18 down, 17 back)
Sleeping 9 hours (1 1/2 Saturday morning, 6 Saturday night, 1 1/2 at a rest stop on the way home -- to be honest, I slept more in the car)
Racing 3 1/2 hours
Racing related 5 1/2 hours (2 1/2 before the race, 1 post race, 2 at the expo)
More than a bit crazy.
I was disappointed I could not find a single piece of Chateau to Castle merchandise, even though they had plenty in France. At the very least they should have had leftovers to sell. I later learned only 100 people did the "chateau" part first. I saw someone on Twitter complaining about the lack of Coast to Coast merchandise, at least they had something. We had to explain the Castle to Chateau challenge to the manager at the RunDisney booth.
After swinging through Downtown Disney, I mean Disney Marketplace, I mean Disney Village, I mean Disney Springs, we hung out with Linda, Amy, and CJ celebrating Amy's birthday. It was nice having a relaxing night to catch up. Also nice was that we gained an hour of sleep that night, and went to bed at a decent time. Though with the alarm set for 2:30 AM (in anticipation of leaving Linda's by 3 AM for a 5:30 AM start -- she only lives 10 minutes away, but Disney said you had to be at the start by 4 AM if you wanted a bus from the finish line to the start line).
Finally we were off.
We did not enter our first theme park until around Mile 5, but we did pass the sewer and trash treatment plants.
We climbed the hill and saw the infamous Green Army Man barking orders, but did not accept any of his challenges. I was pretty done by this point. It was in the 60s, humid for November, grey (which in hindsight was a good thing since the sun was not beating on us, but in the moment felt dreary), and the scenery was BORING. I was pretty done by the halfway point, which emphasized in my mind I really like the 10k distance and should find more races in that zone.
Finally around the 10 mile mark we entered Hollywood Studios, which is slated to get a new name one of these days.
We were already past the 11 mile mark. I knew the EPCOT section was about a mile. That's how close they are to each other.
EPCOT was the most fun. Having the last stretch in the park makes up for the earlier boring parts in parking lots. Well, almost. While running through the parking lots I was reminiscing about Paris and how their course took us through the town near Disney, through the hotels (which are an easy stroll to the theme parks), and back stage -- but really cool back stage where we saw parade floats and firetrucks instead of a sewage treatment plant. This is likely to be our last WDW run race.
Finally around the 12 mile mark we were in EPCOT. There were lots of characters. Lots of cast members holding flags. Lots of PhotoPass stops. And, because I am slow, lots of guests entering the park.
Made me think of Peggy Sue |
Finally entering EPCOT |
My skirt was a bit hit in France.
May as well stop for another photo. I like to get a castle photo with each Disney race, but this time we did not go through the Magic Kingdom. Now that Mickey's Hat is gone, not sure what the iconic pose is in Hollywood Studios. Does anyone have any ideas on that one?
We finished as we started -- together.
Time to find our medals!
The walk to the car felt really long. My leg had cramped up around mile 12.7 (in Germany). I stretched it and finished strong.
Another thought -- the mile markers all declared the time, which was both good and bad. When the time was around a 12-minute mile I thought "we are flying." Conversely when it was a 19-minute mile I spent much time trying to calculate where time was lost (how many pictures did we stop for? how many characters did we see? what else slowed us down) and impacted my mental ability to relax and enjoy. At no point did we see the Balloon Ladies, and that was our real goal.
We posed for a last picture and headed to the car to clean up, eat, and drive home. First, though, we had to go through the gift shop because it is Disney. Yes, vendors in the finish area.
A picture of the three medals together:
Love the one from Disneyland Paris and the Castle to Chateau. I think the Wine and Dine one is the worst Disney medal I have ever seen.
Another big change this year was the famous post party. When the race was held at night, you were greeted near the finish line with the drink of your choice. Instead we were told to return at 10 PM for the post party. By 10 PM we were halfway to New Jersey. Bummer. They did give us a $15 voucher to make up for it.
Another big change this year was the famous post party. When the race was held at night, you were greeted near the finish line with the drink of your choice. Instead we were told to return at 10 PM for the post party. By 10 PM we were halfway to New Jersey. Bummer. They did give us a $15 voucher to make up for it.
Fortunately the drive home, though long, was uneventful and we arrived in time to pick up Ashley from my parents' house and take her to school. The bed never looked so good.
Later we learned a Brazilian woman came in first overall -- she beat every man, which rarely if ever happens in major races. We also learned a man died near the finish line.
Kenny the Pirate loved the medals more than we did. Must admit seeing the challenge medal on his blog puts it in a whole new light.
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