
Tuesday, April 4, 2017

March Madness 2017

March is typically school play season. As we know people who enjoy acting, we end up seeing a lot of plays throughout the year, but especially in March.

Hopefully I won't leave anyone off of this list:

Little Mermaid at Notre Dame High School. Ashley helped build the sets for the show and ushered. I helped sell concessions. A couple of her good friends, Bridget and Rose, were sea creatures.

Rumors at Somerset Valley Players. It was great to see some friends from "Its a Wonderful Life" back on stage. Mike was the lead, and Lynda, though one of the last to come on stage, provided much reason for belly laughs as she giraffe walked across the stage. It was so unexpected, which made it that much funnier. 

Wax Museum at Aimee's school. Second grader, Aimee, dressed up as Pocahontas and recited facts about her to anyone who brought her to life.

Nimisha Ladva's one woman show: Undocumented girl: an immigrant's story was riveting. It put a face to the issues facing illegal aliens in this country. Nothing is black and white. Totally right or totally right. There is lots of room for grey and for learning from each other.

Secret Life of Harper Lee was another one woman show I saw in March. After reading Harper Lee's "second" novel, the actress decided to create a story about it. She captivated the audience with her voices, facial expressions, words, and emotions.

Seussical at Lawrence Intermediate School. We joined the rest of the family in cheering on the Mayor, Hayden, and the rest of the Whos in Whoville.

Though technically I saw The Wizard of Oz at St. Ann's School in April, I'll count it towards March Madness since the show dates are based on when Easter falls. It was odd seeing a show and not playing "Where's Ashley" or wondering what Don was doing backstage. They seem to have many more sets than when Don was stage managing -- very elaborate ones at that.

It seems like I saw less shows this year than in the past, but that might be because I only saw shows once. Next up, we are seeing The Wizard of Oz again (the other cast), and (hopefully) Breakfast at Tiffany's at Somerset Valley Players and Titanic at Newtown Arts.

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