
Thursday, May 19, 2016

National Mall at Night (DC)

For the first time with all of our trips down to DC to see panda bears at the National Zoo, we decided to stay overnight. Spending the night in DC meant we could get to the zoo around the time it opened to see the panda bears outside. That was worth the trip! But it also left us with an evening in DC, and no real plans.

Before heading down to DC I called my friend Nancy to see if Sandy Dragon could spend the night. Sandy is doing great, BUT (always a but) he has a tendency to flip himself over when he walks. We suspect at some point about 2-3 years ago he suffered a stroke. As a result, I don't like leaving him alone overnight. That morning he was especially active -- which usually means he is about to poop, though he had just pooped a few days earlier, so he wasn't on schedule to again so soon (they poop about once a week). Well, he did. Not only did he poop, but he managed to hit every article of clothing I was wearing. Yup, I'm in TMI territory now. Nancy said he flipped himself over once as he was getting settled, then got comfortable for the rest of the time with them. Whew!

Long way of saying Nancy suggested we walk around DC after the zoo closed. Here are some of our pictures.


Statue of Alexander Hamilton hidden behind the Treasury Building

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