
Thursday, December 15, 2022

Roller Skating Saturdays

Earlier this year, Jaclyn founded Trenton Sk8s and started hosting Roller Skating Wednesdays in Cadwalader Park in Trenton. And all was good. At least until Mother Nature did what she always does: makes nighttime come earlier, and bring colder, wetter weather along with it.

I think we were all resigned to having to wait until Spring before we resumed skating. Personally, I put "buy quads" further down on my to-do list -- no reason to buy new skates if I wouldn't be wearing them until the Spring.

Then she came up with a great idea: Roller Skating Saturdays at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville. Yes, my church. Yes, the church a mile from my house. 

I was so excited, I went to Philly SkatePlex on the outskirts of Philadelphia and bought quads (I really wanted to try them on first -- good thing since they are a size smaller than my shoes, 1.5 sizes smaller than my sneakers).

Before this, I was using my old roller blades, which are fine for skating, but have no finesse for dancing. I'm still adjusting to feeling comfortable on the skates, but at least I've stayed upright!  

Lessons are offered from 6-7 pm for $10. Skating is from 7-10 pm for another $10. 

There is so much to love about this I wanted I wanted to share my thoughts in a blogpost.

In no particular order:

  • The church opened its doors to strangers without supervision. While this has
    been part of the church's mission for years (not roller skating per se, but becoming a community center), it is actually happening.
  • The skating community draws from a more diverse group of people than we see on a Sunday morning. Diverse in terms of race, geography (one woman comes from New York, others travel a distance), age (18 to 60s), stages in life (just starting out to grandparents), gender, good dancers and future good dancers -- you name it, the group welcomes everyone where they are.
  • Some skaters are so fluid they look like they were born wearing skates. Others spend half their time clinging to the walls, or gripping them in order to stop.
  • People take videos and selfies to record the fun.
  • Everyone talks to each other. People switch dance partners. People get along.
  • It is really hard to be grumpy while skating. The positive energy is contagious! 
  • It is great exercise -- you are basically squatting the whole time you are skating. 

Here are some pictures of the transformation:

Let me know if you want to join me some week. Only downside is THERE IS NO SKATE RENTAL!

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