
Friday, December 31, 2021

Candlelight Services 2020 vs. 2021

2020 Muhlenberg
In 2021 we celebrated Christmas candlelight services at home via an online platform. We tried. We promised ourselves next year would be better. And for a few months it was.

We were able to gather to celebrate in person, but modified. The Muhlenberg candlelight service required pre-registration and sitting in every other pew. 

2021 Muhlenberg

But we did it! The service was lovely. Ashley's freshman roommate, Abby, sang with the women's choir. 

Next year will be even better.

2020 PTS
At the service Ashley asked us about Princeton Theological Seminary's Carols of Many Nations. I had heard it was not happening this year, but I looked online anyway. Turns out they were having it, just outside and shorter than usual (35 minutes instead of 90 minutes long). 

2021 PTS
I found out later they actually did have an indoor service. That must have been by invitation only.

We also lit candles at two Christmas Eve services. The first was at 8 PM at the Presbyterian Church of Lawrenceville. We arrived super early because they were limiting the size to 100 masked people (less than 75 came) and we wanted to be in the sanctuary.

At 11 pm we worshipped at our usual Christmas Eve home, The First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square with about 40 others (some wearing masks, others not so much).

First Presbyterian Church of Hamilton Square

While it is great to be worshipping in person again this year, the sharp rise of the Omicron variant has everyone worried. Some churches are announcing they are returning to virtual for the next couple of weeks. So far our churches are planning to meet in person, but that can change between now and Sunday.